Parish Nurse

Parish Nurse

Mary Fran Koch is the new parish nurse at St. Rita’s. She has recently retired after serving as a hospice nurse with Allina for the past 26 years.

A Parish Nurse (also called a Faith Community Nurse), is an RN with specialized training in health ministries, A parish nurse focuses on the health of the ”whole” person - body, mind and spirit.

What do parish nurses do?

They may serve as a resource for parishioners with health issues.They may advocate for those having trouble navigating the health care system. They can provide health education, offer input with community resources, and make referrals as needed. They can also offer guidance and support to those struggling with spiritual needs in the midst of health crises. Parish nurses are wonderful confidential listeners.

Why might you contact a parish nurse?

If you have questions about a health condition or need assistance in understanding a diagnosis, a parish nurse is a good resource. They can visit you in your home, assess your needs, answer your questions and help find the needed resources to deal with your diagnosis. They can provide support by listening to your concerns and needs. They can assist you in filling out a health care directive.

Mary Fran is available on Tuesdays, and on an as-needed basis as her schedule allows. If you would like to get in touch with her, please call the parish office at 651-459-4596, or send an email to

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